-Also, read another person's blog and respond to it.
Epiphany: a light bulb or a showing forth of something higher
-"Eureka!" or "I have found it."

Muses: figures of inspirations, agents to recollection (anamnesis) -Mnemosyne (Memory) was the mother of the Muses and Zeus was the father (no surprise there)
In illo tempore: the great time
Epic v. Drama
-Epic: great length, multiple settings, many characters, or long span of time involved
--Examples: the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer and the Aeneid by Virgil
-Drama: shorter, quite focused
--The 4 canonical dramatists were: Aristophanes (model of old comedy), Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
Theogony: encyclopedia of the gods, authored by Hesiod
-Tells of the overcoming of fathers by sons, how Zeus came to power, and how he overcame the cycle of children rebelling against parents
Antigone: what does it mean?
-"Men are like microwave ovens, useful but not necessary."
-The story of Rapunzel is similar to Demeter and Persephone
-Ceres is the Roman equivalent of Demeter
-Abduction of Persephone is an etiology or explanation of the seasons
-Terms of Endearment was modeled on the story, too
-Terms of Endearment was modeled on the story, too
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