Tuesday, March 20, 2007

February 26

"All we do is simply imitate the gods and goddess."

Socratic Irony: saying you don't know anything when in fact you know a great deal

Symposium: patriarchal
-Before the men could talk about the subject of live, they had to send out the flute girls

We don't even know if the Symposium actually happened because it comes to us through secondary sources of secondary sources
-Plato used the allegory of a cave: fire produces shadows, etc--bottom line: viewing things that aren't real, like watching movies
-Plato creates a blur between literary and philosophy

At this point in the class, Dr. Sexson began to weave the most fascinating story about a raconteur (storyteller), the Scheherazade of the Airways and the stories that she told him about her time in a concentration camp. Telling stories was her specialty.
-You really needed to be there for this one but:
-She told the story of "The Beggar King"
-The German officer's name was Konig (which means king)
-Upon landing, she washed the "tattoos" off her arm and said it was all a story

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