Thursday, February 15, 2007

February 9

How will you do something in order to make it memorable for others?
-We have all been given the assignment of doing the aforementioned.

Brian's hamster, Squeals was scared to death by his uncle.

Stichomythia: rows of speech

The Players: Starring Elizabeth as the young, spunky, volatile, and completely unpredictable Antigone, Megan as the passionate, but not gutsy Ismene, and Mick as the old, unbending ruler Creon, and featuring Professor Sexson as the Chorus of old, wise men.
The Play: Lines 1-48 and lines 497-581 were eloquently recited in class.

The works of Aeschylus mark the birth of the great Greek tragedies. Sophocles sits at the zenith, and Euripides sits at the end of the falling action (his plays are sometimes described as loose, untranslatable, and disjointed, but passionate)

The Oresteia: by Aeschylus, describes the familial drama in the House of Atreus, or the story of Agamemnon

Enthusiastic: en-theos: the gods are inside

-Read pages 234 and 303 in Steiner about the roots of our dialogue.
-Blog about a misunderstanding over language between men and women.

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