Tuesday, March 20, 2007

February 21

Check Elizabeth, Brittni, Amanda, and Jann's blogs for review lists and class notes.

Quiz Review:
1. What did Demeter do in revenge of the abduction of Persephone?
- made it winter
2. What is a senex?
- a doddering old fool
3. What are 3 manifestations of the universal goddess?
- crone (Hecate), mother (Demeter), and maiden (Persephone)
4. What is a puer?
- the archetype of eternal youth
5. The reason I couldn't have stolen your cattle.
- "I was born yesterday."
6. What sacrifice did Agamemnon have to make to go to the Trojan War?
- his own virgin daughter
7. What is the heart of tragedy according to Sophocles?
- "The best thing that can happen is to never have been born at all."
8. Define sparagmos.
- tearing or rending of living flesh
9. What does Kore mean?
- maiden, Persephone
10. Birth of Dionysus.
- he of the double doors, born out of Zeus's thigh
11. What is stichomythia?
- a short exchange between agnostic combatants in a drama
12. The five conflicts in Antigone are?
- young v. old, man v. woman, living v. dead, mortal v. god(s), and individual v. society
13. Aphrodite Urania was the goddess of what?
- spiritual love, pure love
14. What was shown at the E. Mysteries?
- stalk of wheat
15. Definition of Antigone's name.
- against birth
16. What is hubris?
- pride or arrogance
17. In ancient Greece, who do you invoke?
- the 9 muses
18. What was the title of the 1st song according to Dr. Sexson?
- "Stairway to Heaven"
19. Define chthonic.
- relating to the underworld
20. What did Persephone eat while she was in the underworld?
- pomegranate seed
21. What did Tiresias experience?
- life as a male and female
22. Who was the father of the Muses?
- Zeus
23. What is catharsis?
- purgation of self
24. Who was Jocasta?
- Antigone's mother and grandmother
25. What is the Greek word for city?
- polis
26. When and where was Cassi born?
- February 2, 1987 in GrandJunction, CO
27. Is it time to go?
- "Yes, it's 2:03"

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