Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 2

As always, read Elizabeth's blog - it is truly a marvel!

In the Symposium, we are to make a change, Professor Sexson prefers "each of us is the mere broken tally of a man."
- a tally was a Roman coin (you used to be able to break them easily)

Blank slates vs. traces of memory (an almost remembrance) is the theme of many current movies such as, Made in Heaven, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Silenus Statue: ugly on the outside, but you break it open and there are beautiful things inside of it

The Innocence, is a movie by Truman Capote based on the book, A Turn of the Screw-the subject matter of the story is stories.

The connection between love (desire for wholeness) and imagination is explored in the short story "A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud."

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