Sunday, April 8, 2007

April 4

Quiz Review:
1. Which birds represent Procne and Philomela?
- swallow and nightingale
2. What is ate?
- infatuation to the point of being ruined
3. Who was the original artisan?
- Daedalus
4. Who is the god of sleep, dreams, and disguises?
- Morpheus
5. What should we avoid at all costs?
- old people
6. What is Aristophanes theory about the soul mate?
- people used to be joined in twos, the gods split people apart
7. Tragedy emphasises (blank) while comedy emphasises (blank).
- individual, society
8. Plato thought that the way to achieve immortality of the soul was through what?
- knowledge and virtue
9. Socrates learned about love from whom?
- Diotima
10. What is Socratic irony
- I don't know nuthin'
11. What did Icarus do that he shouldn't have?
- flew too close to the sun
12. What was the difference between Minerva's and Arachne's weaving?
- the portrayal of the gods
13. What is the final frame in "The Spinners?"
- Rape of Europa
14. What does Pentheus mean?
- man of constant sorrow
15. How were Cadmus and Pentheus related?
- Cadmus was Pentheus' grandfather
16. What was Ulysses' claim to the armor?
- Ulysses started it all
17. What Shakespearean play was partly inspired by Tereus and Procne?
- Titus Andronicus
18. What is a characteristic of new comedy?
- boy wants girl
19. What is anagnorsis?
- recognition
20. What is the first instance of framing in Ovid?
- Pan and Syrinx
21. What is Grace?
- the awareness of God's presence in the world
22. What is omophagia?
- the eating of living flesh
23. Who are the parents of Love?
- poverty and contrivance
24. How old will Ovid's Metamorphoses be in 2008?
- 2000 years old
25. What was Daphne turned into?
- a laurel tree
26. What does naso mean?
- nose
27. Why was Aristophanes speech delayed?
- he had hiccups

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