Saturday, April 7, 2007

March 28

Daedalus & Icarus:
-He turned his mind to "unknown arts"
-Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man-main character is Steven Daedalus

The Redemptive Power of Art
-Buddha had to be kept away from sickness, death, and old age
-Art redeems us from the terror of the world
-The art of imagination robs the earth of horror
-The complete works of Shakespeare also transform the world
-James Joyce's last book, Finnegans Wake is a new version of The Metamorphoses
-The details make it real

Ovid was the most cinematic of all writers (except James Joyce)
-"But you'd have said that those Athenians had taken flight with wings"
-Ovid keeps all of the options open
-From similes to metaphors

Tragedy: wasted youth, never to have been born, what is the worst thing that can possibly be imagined

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