Saturday, April 7, 2007

March 7

Comedy underscores community even at the expense of the individual
-There is nothing about the human being that is shameful
-Whatever is human is ok in comedy
-In the last act, all characters are usually on stage
-Turning upside-down of the laws
-Usually the hero is not very smart

Old Comedy: Aristophanes: 11 comedies, about current politics and peace, have an element of the obscene, death and rebirth

New Comedy: comic version of the Oedipus story, boy wants girl, boy can't get girl, in the end gets girl

"Literature is the product of neurotic people."

Aristotle said: 1. comedy deals with people who are worse than they are - comedy loves stupidity and 2. comedy originates from phallic processions

Jann and Ashley then performed a stichomythia of the oath taken in Lysistrata

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