Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 5

Poesis: Greek for poetry, to make up

Logos: truth
-Mythos + Logos = mythology (when story and truth get together)

Wizard of Oz: "It is more important to be loved than to love."
-"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."

Parents of Love: Poros (aka Contrivance) is the father and Poverty is the mother

The soul can give birth
-The Odyssey and the Iliad are the immortal children of the soul of Homer

The only ones worthy of love are philosophers.

Tragedy: pessimism
Comedy: give me more life-even shameful life

March 2

As always, read Elizabeth's blog - it is truly a marvel!

In the Symposium, we are to make a change, Professor Sexson prefers "each of us is the mere broken tally of a man."
- a tally was a Roman coin (you used to be able to break them easily)

Blank slates vs. traces of memory (an almost remembrance) is the theme of many current movies such as, Made in Heaven, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Silenus Statue: ugly on the outside, but you break it open and there are beautiful things inside of it

The Innocence, is a movie by Truman Capote based on the book, A Turn of the Screw-the subject matter of the story is stories.

The connection between love (desire for wholeness) and imagination is explored in the short story "A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud."

February 28

What is Love?
-philia is anonther form of love
-sophia means wisdom
--philosopy: the love of wisdom
-The pursuit of knowledge can be erotic (rhetoric -> erotic)

In the Symposium the love is homoerotic, pedophilia
-Between a lover and a beloved
-The lover (erastes) is an old man and the beloved (eromenos) is a boy
--On the physical level, Socrates is the erastes and Alcibiades is the eromenos
--But on the spiritual level, the roles are reversed.
-Women were inferior, they wanted to have a connection of equals

At this time, Dr. Sexson finished the story about the "Scheherazade of the Airways."
-Something was said, something was done, something was shown
-Said: "I just wanted to please you."
-Done: Gave him a package.
-Shown: A series of numerals on her left forearm.
-What a great story!

February 26

"All we do is simply imitate the gods and goddess."

Socratic Irony: saying you don't know anything when in fact you know a great deal

Symposium: patriarchal
-Before the men could talk about the subject of live, they had to send out the flute girls

We don't even know if the Symposium actually happened because it comes to us through secondary sources of secondary sources
-Plato used the allegory of a cave: fire produces shadows, etc--bottom line: viewing things that aren't real, like watching movies
-Plato creates a blur between literary and philosophy

At this point in the class, Dr. Sexson began to weave the most fascinating story about a raconteur (storyteller), the Scheherazade of the Airways and the stories that she told him about her time in a concentration camp. Telling stories was her specialty.
-You really needed to be there for this one but:
-She told the story of "The Beggar King"
-The German officer's name was Konig (which means king)
-Upon landing, she washed the "tattoos" off her arm and said it was all a story

February 23

Quiz #1

February 21

Check Elizabeth, Brittni, Amanda, and Jann's blogs for review lists and class notes.

Quiz Review:
1. What did Demeter do in revenge of the abduction of Persephone?
- made it winter
2. What is a senex?
- a doddering old fool
3. What are 3 manifestations of the universal goddess?
- crone (Hecate), mother (Demeter), and maiden (Persephone)
4. What is a puer?
- the archetype of eternal youth
5. The reason I couldn't have stolen your cattle.
- "I was born yesterday."
6. What sacrifice did Agamemnon have to make to go to the Trojan War?
- his own virgin daughter
7. What is the heart of tragedy according to Sophocles?
- "The best thing that can happen is to never have been born at all."
8. Define sparagmos.
- tearing or rending of living flesh
9. What does Kore mean?
- maiden, Persephone
10. Birth of Dionysus.
- he of the double doors, born out of Zeus's thigh
11. What is stichomythia?
- a short exchange between agnostic combatants in a drama
12. The five conflicts in Antigone are?
- young v. old, man v. woman, living v. dead, mortal v. god(s), and individual v. society
13. Aphrodite Urania was the goddess of what?
- spiritual love, pure love
14. What was shown at the E. Mysteries?
- stalk of wheat
15. Definition of Antigone's name.
- against birth
16. What is hubris?
- pride or arrogance
17. In ancient Greece, who do you invoke?
- the 9 muses
18. What was the title of the 1st song according to Dr. Sexson?
- "Stairway to Heaven"
19. Define chthonic.
- relating to the underworld
20. What did Persephone eat while she was in the underworld?
- pomegranate seed
21. What did Tiresias experience?
- life as a male and female
22. Who was the father of the Muses?
- Zeus
23. What is catharsis?
- purgation of self
24. Who was Jocasta?
- Antigone's mother and grandmother
25. What is the Greek word for city?
- polis
26. When and where was Cassi born?
- February 2, 1987 in GrandJunction, CO
27. Is it time to go?
- "Yes, it's 2:03"

February 19

President's Day - no class